Jesus and His Amazing Grace
Jesus and His amazing grace are truly unparalleled.
“God pays you double for your trouble.” – Joel Osteen
Two weeks ago, I shared here that for the very first time I lost a wallet. It was very unfortunate because it had my budget until the following payday. I re-traced my path for countless time to find it but I guess someone had already picked it up.
I was very disappointed, of course. But instead of dwelling on that emotion the whole day, I thanked God that at least I did not put any IDs into that wallet (because God knows how hard it is to process IDs here. LOL) and I just let these words seep into my whole being that day:
God will give you double for your trouble. He is the God of restoration—that means He’s not going to just repay you for every wrong done, He’s going to go above and beyond and make things even better than they were before.
This was Joel Osteen’s message when I listened to his Podcast hours before I lost my wallet. I guess everything really happens for a reason, eh? 😀
I even re-assured myself several times that what goes around, comes around (double). LOL. I even hoped that whoever snipped my wallet was really in great need.
February 29 was a payday and I went to the bank to check my account. I was so surprised to see that an amount more than what I supposed to receive for that day was credited to my account. I thought maybe the bank has misposted that amount so I made a decision that I will return the excess if it does not rightfully belong to me.
I received the pay slip the following day and it shows that whatever credited to my account was really mine. I called the personnel from the Human Resource Department and asked why is there an “Additional Income (non-taxable)” credited to my account. He just told me that it was mine. That’s it, no explanation. I really did not know what was happening at that time or if the world has gone upside down or was it a dream or whatever.
After a few hours of thinking, I finally came to my senses and realized that it was not a mistake. It was Jesus and His amazing grace. You see, on that day I received an additional 10x more than what I lost a few weeks ago. I did not expect that God will work that fast and that GRAND!
He is just simply the best. He is faithful to His words and He even loves me more than I love myself! I mean, He’s crazy! I have a crazy beautiful God!
I used to be a whiner! Oh my gosh! I loved to complain about this and that and I just so loved to impose something on Him. I was freaking good at it. But I realized that no matter how stubbornly annoying my cry was, I would always end up tired, more miserable, and unheeded. I’ve learned that things just don’t work that way and saying my thank you’s even amidst uncertainties always pays off. It always does.
I always see to it that I thank Him for every small thing, big thing, and everything in between. Whatever I am going through or will go through, I put my trust in Him. I am excited to see and experience how limitless He is. Aren’t you?
Thank you, Papu, for everything! <3
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.