January Favorites
I started my “(insert month) favorites” series last September because I want to document the books that I finished reading, the shows that I watched, the songs or podcasts that I listened to, the products that I enjoyed using, among others. Despite my immense desire to write a related piece every month, work and life always get in the way. So, this “January favorites” write-up is the second installment of this series.
I think we can all agree that January felt like a year. So much has happened but, really, nothing interesting to look forward to aside from going back to work and paying for the holiday expenses charged to our credit cards. January was such a drag, to say the least. But more than anything, I’m grateful that I’m still alive and kicking… and working and singing and dancing and writing and sharing with you some of my favorites for January.
I didn’t know how dead serious I’d be when I told myself that I’d consume more nonfiction books until I saw both my physical and digital libraries—90% of it comprises nonfictions. My favorite books last month were Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday, The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Manson, and When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi. I was less occupied at work than usual, so I finished three titles.
Ego is the Enemy has a wellspring of “Oh, it’s me!”, “Damn, he’s referring to me,” and “Ahhhhh.” I was guilty as charged. No, my ego was guilty as charged. (Ouch! That’s a blow to my ego!) I meant I and my ego are to be blamed. (Now, that’s better!) There were countless moments that I cringed because I felt that Holiday’s insinuations were really for me, but I’d remind myself that my ego is the enemy, not Ryan Holiday.
I remember there were so many recommendations on social media for The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck at the start of 2020; however, I was not drawn to it. I finally took the leap and read it. I know that I’m a day late and a dollar short, but, honestly, I don’t give a f*ck to what you have to say. Haha, kidding! This book is a honeypot of cusses, but it gets a little better as you go along. If you haven’t read it yet, let me summarize it for you in true Mark Manson fashion as the book’s author: Don’t sweat the f*cking small stuff and choose your f*cking battles.
When I read reviews about When Breath Becomes Air, I got intrigued. I bought its Kindle version and devoured it in two days. Being my usual self—a weeper—I knew that I’d cry. Breaking news: I sobbed. I didn’t dare to read it outside because I wasn’t ready to cry in public. When I read the book, I’d fight my tears, but I’d feel a lump in my throat, so I’d just cave into sadness. This book is such a tearjerker but very timely because it would make us appreciate living, waking up, breathing, and every little thing we are taking for granted.
As a true Potterhead, nothing excites me more than watching a Harry Potter reunion. Fortunately, they released the Harry Potter Reunion Special: Return to Hogwarts this January. Although I was a tad disappointed that the show did not include any participation from JK Rowling aside from her old interview footage, I was ecstatic to watch our beloved casts again in one frame. I won’t get tired of telling everyone how Harry Potter forever changed my life and that I will hold it near and dear to my heart forever. After all this time? Always.
Starting December last year, I got obsessed with lip balms because of the cold weather causing my lips to get dry and chapped. Thus, these three lip products became my instant favorites in January and probably forever! I usually use the Vaseline Petroleum Jelly every night because it’s the cheapest and it’s the OG. On the other hand, when I’d want to splurge, I’d use the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask. I keep the Aquaphor Lip Repair handy when traveling or going out because it’s more convenient to bring.
One of my pet peeves being in a salon is when a hairdresser would not stop blabbering about how thick my hair is. Like, duh, don’t they think I know that already? Ghorl, your salon charges me more because my hair is thicccc AF. That’s why I stopped going to cheaper salons because they tend to botch my hair or give me a second-rate service. I also noticed that I save more in the long run when I go to more expensive salons. Last January, I had my hair cut straight and colored it black (because I’m as basic beetch as it gets) at Beni Bana Beauty Hub. It’s in a remote part of San Juan, but the prices of their services are still within my budget. I love their staff and their hair services!
That’s it. I hope you’ll get a thing or two from my January favorites. Till the next one!